On July 22nd, 2024, a massive wildfire forced the evacuation of Jasper. The fire severely damaged over 30% of the town and burned an estimated 79,000 acres of Jasper National Park. The fire continues to burn today.

The impact on the community has been profound, with countless residents losing their homes and livelihoods, and the once breathtaking landscape of the park suffering extensive damage.

Proceeds go to the Jasper Community Team Society support the Jasper community.

For more information visit the JCTS website.

Thank you to our Generous Supporters!

Preview our Silent Auction items!

Our silent auction platform will be available digitally to all in-person and virtual ticket-holders of the event. A link will be shared in advance.

Fairmont has generously donated nights at:

  • Fairmont Banff Springs

  • Fairmont Chateau Whistler

  • Fairmont Palliser

  • Fairmont San Francisco

Toronto’s Coup de Tete offers:

The winner of this item will work with the team at Coup de Tete to create a fully bespoke 100x Beaver Felt Custom Hat (the finest quality available in the world). You will choose the colour, shape, size and design details with the makers at Coup de Tete as they create a one of a kind hat that will last you a lifetime.

Ice Walks has offered:

Private tour for up to 12 people on the Athabasca Glacier in the 2025 operating season (mid-June to end of September)